Ministry through music is an integral part of our worship service. It is one of the most important ways we praise God. Roger Dahl is a superb organist to accompany the fine voices of our choir, directed by Brigitte Simpson. Brigitte is a very talented musician who provides remarkable skill in leading the choir. She has also been getting some of our musically talented youth involved in the service and we look forward to more in the future! In partnership with Karen Sargent, the selection of anthems and special music continues to be the highlight of our worship services. Sarah Passafiume also continues to bring her immense musical talent to us monthly!
We also enjoy performing with old friends from "America's Chorus"!
If anyone wants to lend their musical talents to our worship service, please see Brigitte, someone from the choir, or the Worship and Music Committee. We are always looking!
Quilters (Thursdays at 6:30 PM!)
We need you to join us with your knitting, craft or quilt projects! We meet Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall!
Once again we came away with ribbons at the Erie County Fair! We completed a quilt project for Breast Cancer that was raffled off in June at Hope Chest's Dragon Boat Race (you must be a breast cancer survivor to join and race with the Dragon Boats, who now race other teams across the country!) We distributed three baby quilts this year. If you know a shut-in, please let us know! We delivered four quilts to shut-ins this year!
It’s a fun evening of fellowship and sometimes a treat brought in for us to share! You can start out making a small quilt and see if you enjoy it. We are busy! Why don’t you join us and try it?
Women's Guild
The Women’s Guild is fortunate to have a small group of ladies who meet faithfully almost every month to plan how they can support our church. This past fall our church women met to decide if we would like to continue the Guild...there was a resounding "Yes" vote!
Many ideas were discussed while eating lunch and just getting acquainted again!
We had a "Sharing Stories" meeting that turned out to be something we'd like to do again!
We had an afternoon of exploring our beautiful Botanical Gardens and the Basilica in South Buffalo!
For Christmas we treated ourselves to lunch at Salvatore's Italian Gardens...always an incredible experience!
We'll meet the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 PM. Sometimes it's "bring a sandwich." It will always be announced in the bulletin announcement sheet and on our bulletin board in the hall.
All are welcome to join us...we're fun!