Youth Group
Faith has a lively, spirited, wonderful group of young people who comprise our Youth Group. We welcome all young people in fifth through twelfth grade. We have a happily eclectic, energetic group who would enjoy meeting, working with, and worshipping with new members!
Some activities we participate in:
Apple Picking
Attending Concerts + Sporting Events
Camping at Duffield Presbyterian Center - A special thank you to everyone for their time and monetary and food donations for our trip to Duffield. It was a sunny, snowy, perfect winter weekend full of fun, games, “hanging out,” and work on Youth Sunday.
Thank you!
God bless, Miss Debbie
Duffield Camp and Retreat Center (Sat. Feb 26 + Sun. Feb 27) Save the Dates! Please meet at the church at 7:15 AM on Saturday the 26th (the bus leaves at 7:30 AM!) We will leave Duffield at 3:00 PM on Sunday the 27th to return home! There is a sign-up sheet on your bulletin board!
Keeler Lodge has two lofts (for sleeping), showers, a kitchen, meeting room, basement with ping pong and a fireplace on the first floor. We will enjoy friends, games, sledding (?) and, who knows what else. We will be working on Youth Sunday on Saturday evening. Also, if anyone is interested in participating in Youth Sunday (May 8th), but will not be attending Duffield, please let me know as soon as you can!
There is a form I can send/give you to indicate which portions of the worship service you would be interested in doing.
Please return the form to me by Sunday, February 20th!
This activity is open to all young people currently in fifth grade and up...please join us if you can, it's a riot!
God Bless, Miss Debbie
Mission projects we support:
Christmas party for the 914th Airlift Wing in Niagara Falls
Parties at Cornerstone Manor
Serving at Bethel Presbyterian
Souper Bowl of Caring - the Youth Group's Souper Bowl of Caring was a HUGE success! Thank you to Master Chef Sharon Haefner for her guidance, wisdom and ingredients! Thank you to Ian, Grace, Christine, Nathan and Sarah for their time spent making the soup. Thank you to the young people who helped pack up the meals and thank you to the drivers who delivered to our shut-ins. Tandem with the soup delivery was a collection that amounted to a little over $160.00, which will be split between Carly's Club and Compass House. We thank the congregation for their generous donations. We are so blessed - and so, we also thank you, Lord Jesus!
Church activities include:
Serving for annual Deacon's Spaghetti Dinner
Ushering and Greeting at Worship Services
Leading Worship once a year for Youth Sunday
Involvement with our Lay Reader Program
Helping with Strawberry Carnival
Valentine's Dance