Mission and Outreach
Faith is focused on Mission in many different ways and through many groups of the church. We are focusing our mission efforts into three main categories: local, national, and international.
You make a living by what you get; You make a life by what you give!
Local Mission
Local Mission Project (Gently-used Clothing Drive). Clean, gently-used clothing was donated to The Buffalo City Mission. We figured it would be a perfect time to donate clothing by getting a jump on spring cleaning! All ages and sizes were appreciated! Thank you to all who supported this local mission project!
Local Advent Mission Project - "Christmas for Cornerstone Manor" (a home for women and children). Donations of "Christmas Money" were collected from November - December.
Buffalo C.A.N. (Companion Animal Network) is a pet food pantry supplying food to dogs and cats. The congregation contributed pet food and financial donations.
PINKtober - Our Intergenerational Mission Project included children, youth and adults making cut-n-tie fleece throws for cancer patients. This project was initiated during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in honor and memory of those whose lives have been touched by cancer. There was a very special dedication during our worship service in January and the fleece throws were distributed through Deaconess Center, Kenmore Mercy Hospital and Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo.
Silver Creek and Gowanda flood relief - Members of our congregation went down to help prepare dinners and brought supplies that helped feed and clothe displaced families, as well as aid in the clean-up efforts.
Other local ministries include: The Buffalo City Mission, Cradle Beach, Habitat for Humanity, and Hospice.
We are at our best when we serve God by serving others!
National Mission
The proceeds from Vacation Bible School were donated to Matter of Trust.
The congregation supports disaster relief programs for emergencies such as Hurricane Katrina and the Oil Spill in the Gulf.
March 2010 - Margaret Korman traveled as our missionary to New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina). Jim Sanford traveled as our missionary to Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
To show your love for God, share your love with others!
International Mission
The congregation participates in Presbyterian Church (USA) mission programs and vigorously supports international projects such as Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief, and Heifer International.
"Heifer's mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. Heifer does this by providing appropriate livestock, training and related services to small-scale farmers and communities worldwide."
Faith hopes to continue contributing to Heifer International by raising money throughout the year and purchasing animals. The following are purchased animals of the "Faith Farm", who will be given to a needy party, who will then, give the off-spring of their animal to another needy party, continuing the giving!
COW "Rosie", SHEEP "Bella", GOAT "Gladys", and a PIG!
The Pig was funded by the Quilters who stretched a quilt for a “friend of the Quilters” and have been rewarded with a donation to our Heifer Fund!
The Pig was also funded by "Mount Whipkey!" Chances were purchased by predicting the date the last bit of snow melted from the “mountain.” (Mel had the final say!) The winner received 1% of the total receipts and the opportunity to name next year’s “mountain” !
And the king will answer them, "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me"
Matthew 25:40
Faith in Jesus Christ is one gift you can keep and still pass on to others!