Pastor's Page
I am very pleased to tell you about the spirit and vitality of Faith United Presbyterian Church - “The little church with a lot of spirit.” Actually the church is not all that little. Our present congregation is 167 adult members with over 40 children and youth. So you might say the church is small enough to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for worship and fellowship, but large enough to support active programs both within the church and community.
On Sundays, our church school classes gather at 9:00 a.m. to study Holy Scripture and to learn stories of faith. Worship begins at 10:30. Children are encouraged to remain in worship; however, there is a nursery for the youngest worshipers.
Special worship services give thanks to God for our community leaders – the police, firefighters, our elected representatives, and all those who volunteer to keep us safe and secure. In the spring, we go to the dogs (cats, lizards, bunnies, and ferrets), that is to say, they are invited to worship with their human companions and to receive a blessing.
We are blessed with an energetic music director and a fine choir who lead us in our praise of God each Sunday. Periodically our worship service includes a Brass Band or a Jazz Group. Yes, sometimes the “Little Church” really rocks. On the whole though, we strive to blend the traditional, sometimes even ancient, with the vibrant sounds of more contemporary music.
Perhaps our most dynamic ministry is our Christian Education program lead by dedicated adults striving to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. The church school and the Sunday Morning Music Makers (children’s choir) continue to grow in numbers and in faith. The Youth are actively engaged in a variety community service projects as well as simply taking time to enjoy fellowship together at a concert, a sporting event, or just hanging out. During the week, adults gather to study the Bible and discern how it applies to our lives today. Indeed there is something for all ages here at Faith.
The mission of Faith United Presbyterian Church is seen in its ministry in the community, the nation and the world. The congregation vigorously supports international projects such as Heifer International. It responds to national emergencies such as Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill in the gulf. Our local ministries include: Habitat for Humanity, the Buffalo City Mission, and Buffalo C.A.N. which supports a pet food pantry.
God has blessed this church with so much we would like to share this with you. If you are interested in knowing more about this “Little Church”, please call (716-875-9550) or stop by - we’re open on Sunday.
Yours in Faith,
Rev. Joyce E. Sirianni, Ph.D.